Stuff I Wrote

Writing has been one of my things for as long as I can remember. As a kid I wrote silly stories, comic strips about an elephant spy, a deep-sea fantasy adventure, and kept journals religiously. I contributed to literary magazines in middle school and In high school, one of my stories about my first experience in a haunted house made it to a regional literary paper.

It was only natural that whatever I did, I wrote. I started a web diary before blogs were a thing, coding each page by hand to share my really awful poetry. I still keep journals and have since I was about 9.

In every job I’ve had, from webmaster to  front-end developer to Social Media Manager to self-employed craft teacher and WordPress Trainer, I wrote style guides, requirements documents, proposals, blog posts, ebooks, marketing emails, training guides, and just about anything else you could think of.

Here are a few of the things I’ve written over the past few years. Those marked with an asterisk* are downloads:

Contributing author for 2 projects in Eco Books: Inventive Projects From the Recycling Bin.

Thirty days to more Ideas than You Ever Thought You Could Ever Come Up With. Ever.*

The WPChick Guide to Working With Your Web Helper Without Getting Caught in the Lurch.*

Idea Evaluator Guidebook*

Flying Monkey Missives – the eBook*

Love Yourself First. Then Love Your Customers (guest post for the 2011 CustomerLove challenge)

Book Arts 101*

Six Needle Coptic Book Binding*