100 Day Project update…

94/100. That’s where I’m at, nearly 2 months past the start date of my 100 Day Project.

Some would say I failed. That I’m a flake for not finishing.

But seriously here.  I drew 94 faces. NINETY FOUR.

In a span of slightly over 100 days. I’m far from an expert at realistic portraiture (not that I was attempting that to begin with ), but I can draw a pretty decent face whenever I want, straight on, 3/4 and profile. If you count the faces I doodled on my desk pad, I probably got the whole 100.

I did achieve what I set out to do, and that was to challenge myself in a way I haven’t before. So what if I’m 6 short!

The ‘last’ face (so far… I think I’ll go ahead and complete the 100 just for continuity’s sake) that I put up on Instagram was one I drew in a rare kid-free moment on my vacation in Greece this past summer.

I think I’m completely over my phobia of signing on to challenges. And besides. I’m not competing against anyone (neither are you), so if I “fail” at something I decided to do for myself, who gives a shit? As long as I get out of it what I intended to begin with, I call it a success.

Making my way back…

Hi. *shuffles feet*

It’s been oh… over a year since I touched this blog. Figure it’s time to come back around to it.

If you’ve been following at all (I’ve been unusually active on Facebook lately), I had a baby almost a year ago. He’s absolutely amazing. And frustrating. And wonderful. He’s been the focus of my life lately and I have a very lonely blog to show for it, but I’m not apologizing for it! I made a baby! And if I may brag a bit… a 100% medication-free birth at home. And we both survived.

We also made the move North to be closer to my family. Hi Snow & cold and brrrr…

As with my normal state of being, I have some new things in the works. I’m launching a podcast called “Reclaiming Creativity” in a few days. It’s a podcast geared towards figuring out how to… wait for it… Reclaim your Creativity 😉 after having kids.

I’ll be doing monologues and interviews. First episode is in the can, two interviews with two fabulously creative moms recorded and waiting to be edited.

This post is yet another step in me reclaiming my own creativity.

So is this…


And I’ll probably be simplifying my web presence. Thanks to a few things happening at the same time (my sites all being hacked, realizing I need to simplify because I can’t possibly keep 5+ sites running smoothly and with fresh content regularly). Everything will live here.

So… what have you been up to?