I’m about to embark on a 30 paintings in 30 days challenge as put forth in an artist group I’m a part of on Facebook.
I honestly don’t know what I’m doing.
One complete painting daily, when I’ve been known to take months, or even years to complete just one?
I will have to knock off the Netflix binges. And some housework may go undone — but if we’re honest, housework was never my forté. And I’l need to find somewhere in our we’ve-stuffed-every-closet-full-of-junk house to house the paintings once they’re done. Eh, I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
I’m feeling a bit crazy. Apprehensive. Excited. I can’t say I’ve ever really completed a challenge like this.
I hate sharing challenges on my blog & social networks because I haven’t completed one yet.
I tried NANOWRIMO several years ago and only got to 10,000 words (although that’s a pretty big feat in itself). I have started several 30-day art journaling prompts and petered out around day 20. I even started a website called 30 Day Essentials to explore a particular essential oil protocol for 30 days straight and I couldn’t get past the first one.
So I have my work cut out for me. I need to tap into something I haven’t before to get this done. I will make use of the community on FB. I will post my daily painting on my social outlets and on this site. I need to find someone to whine to when things get hard… someone who will listen patiently and then tell me to go paint.
Maybe I can do this.
Now for the why of this whole crazy endeavor…
I did some journaling about this challenge yesterday and came up with 3 things I wanted to accomplish with this insane (for me) thing:
- Find my voice
- Create a series in order to begin a coherent body of work
- Own It – that is, own my artist-self
I’m looking for an increase in confidence, a development of a daily art practice, and trust in myself and my process.
First painting comes Tuesday September 9th.
I pledge to be gentle, but not let myself off the hook completely. Life happens, but whatever happens I need to have 30 complete paintings by October 9th.
Wish me luck!